Linux AMI, Apache2 Web Server - Creation and Setup


  1. AWS Amplify
  1. EC2 Ubuntu
    1. Public IPv4 Address:
    1. User: ubuntu
    1. Key/Password: harshdev2.pem
    1. Port: 22
  1. Some linux commands
  1. Web Server
  1. Web hosting
  1. MySQL configuration
  1. AMI

Creating an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

.ppk - mac, linux, gat bash
.pem - putty, SFTP tool

Connecting Ubuntu AMI via SSH

List all .pem files

ls *.pem

List all .pem files with their permissions

ls -la *.pem

Ubuntu Connected!!

ssh -i "harshdev2.pem" ubuntu@

Linux Commands

username: harsh

password: harsh

In Command Prompt

Using tmux for sharing terminal

A Quick and Easy Guide to tmux - Ham Vocke
Become a master of tmux in a few minutes

Using apache2 web server